Medical News National News Medical News Today: Prolonged sitting: Short bouts of activity reduce health risks Medical News Today: How marital hostility can harm your gut Medical News Today: Why does bass make you want to dance? Medical News Today: Prediabetes: Being a 'night owl' may lead to weight gain Medical News Today: What causes rosy cheeks? Medical News Today: How can people speed up dilation? Medical News Today: Can a person get pregnant while taking the pill? Medical News Today: Multiple sclerosis: Healthful diet tied to lower risk Medical News Today: What to know about brain hypoxia Medical News Today: Can you drink coffee while breastfeeding? Medical News Today: Synesthesia: Hearing colors and tasting sounds Medical News Today: How your mouth bacteria can harm your lungs Medical News Today: What's the difference between bipolar I and bipolar II? Medical News Today: Do you perceive smells that aren't there? Medical News Today: Psychedelic compound triggers near-death experiences